La comunidad literaria que esperabas.

Reseña de la Semana por Ernesto Martínez

Gabo and Mercedes: a farewell

© 2021.

This book is a well-deserved tribute to the late Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the writer, the husband, the father… the irreplaceable Gabo. It is the chronicle of Rodrigo Garcia, son of the author of “One Hundred Years of Solitude”, about the last days of his father’s life after the sudden deterioration of his health in March 2014. The literary genius would die a few weeks later.

Being so admired by millions of readers around the world (we include ourselves in the tribute), Gabo would actually be a rather modest, even introverted character.

For this reason, the final moments of his life would have been a nightmare for him and his family, as they could not prevent the coverage of the media, which followed his convalescence with pinpoint attention.

Rodrigo, however, ultimately decides to open the doors of the most intimate part of his family circle for us. We are thus witnesses of the intense romance between Gabo and his great love, Mercedes. We know the reflections that his father shared with him, during brief periods of lucidity which became increasingly scarce at the end. We read about the extremely reverent attentions of the medical staff before a patient so idolized by all.

In short, this content allows us to discover a different facet of Garcia Marquez. With this reading, we ponder even more his masterful literary works and his inspiring autobiography “Living to Tell, the Tale.” “Gabo and Mercedes: a farewell” it is definitely a must-read book.

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