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Reseña de la Semana por Ernesto Martínez

I Wish You the Smile: So You Can Find Joy

© 2022.

In this book, the holy pontiff invites us to reflect on joy, the central theme of his teachings. In its pages he affirms that optimism disappoints, but hope does not. At times when we feel lost, we find encouragement by knowing that God walks with his love alongside us.

And it is just with a smile that we begin our journey towards joy. Such is the reaction, for example, when contemplating a newborn, we immediately draw a smile when admiring this great miracle of life.

It is true that during difficult moments it is hard to smile. But in these inspiring pages we can appreciate that even when we are surrounded by darkness, the smile can only be obtained by the hope of finding God.

What frees us from sadness? How can we be hope for others? How can we smile and inspire smiles in others?

“A smile is a caress, a gift of great value. We must learn to smile, to let ourselves be invaded by a new joy”. These are the words that Pope Francis shares with you through this beautiful story, enjoy it smiling!

Ernesto Martinez
President of Nación Libro

Order it

¿Mejor en español?

Te deseo la sonrisa, para recuperar la alegría
En este libro, el santo pontífice nos invita a hacer una reflexión sobre la alegría, tema central de sus enseñanzas....

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